Sunday, November 11, 2012

These are the things I am thankful for

I am so thankful and appreciative of my health and simple life:
for my strength to work eight hours a day and do exercise at the time that I want to - specially on the weekends, there are people who cannot exercise or does not even have the energy to work at all.
for being able to energize my body with healthy food and healthy living. Some are physically and emotionally drained.
for my talent that I use to fucntion well in my line of work. Some people cannot use their talents on their work.
for the freedom of my own time when I am not at work, I am able to do what I want to do. A lot of people do not even have time for themselves.
for the project that I am working on right now, everything seems to be smooth the same with my co-workers. Some cannot keep up with their work and are having trouble creating good rapport with their co-workers.
for wonderful workplace I have, some are not comfortable on their place of work.
for the peace of mind that I have eventhou I do not have much, some may have more than they should have yet still not have peace in their lives.
I am thankful for the words from the scripture that I was reminded of.

Dark Knight R.F.

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