Monday, January 16, 2012

Happiness, is there really such a thing?

It seems to me that we all have formulated our definition of being happy in our mind. Living in a big, fine-looking house, a beautiful and sexy girlfriend/ spouse (or a great-looking boyfriend/ spouse in a woman's perspective), having a large paycheck, expensive high performance cars, travels, etc. It is all wonderful and great to have all these things to be honest with you, who wouldn't want these things? Most specially if you got this in picture perfect post it on your photo album or on your facebook account. Capturing all the kodak moments. Would it be interesting if we could come up with a camera that will capture the real emotions of the people in the picture? Because looks can be deceiving.

Yes you can be living in a big beautiful house, but think of the maintenance, monthly mortgage, insurance, debt from the appliances, budgeting, getting worried of being robbed, not to mention it could also be lonely. Yes you can be with a gorgeous, sexy girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse, but think of the possibility of her/him being a pain in the neck, a whiner, because she/he is high maintenance and emotionally scattered. Don't forget the worries from all the guys/girls that will try to snatch her/him from you. Yes you may have large paycheck, but the more you have in life the more you spend so you probably would not even notice it, also the more you have the more you are preoccupied. Yes you've got sick wheels but think of the expensive parts and maintenance that you will be stressing just about. Yes you can go anywhere you want to be but think of the layovers and delays that will ruin it all for you, lost bags, bad weather, over spending on your credit cards, arguments with the person you are with etc.

It is all about the feelings we have that counts. If you are always worried about your 800 thousand dollar house that gives you heavy feeling in preserving it, what good is it in having it? If you are miserable with your beautiful and sexy girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse, what's  the use of being with her/him? If your large paycheck is making you constantly grumble because you do not even have the time for yourself and others, what does it mean? If your high end car is crippling your budget with the monthly payments not to mention the expensive parts, is it really cool? If you travel and all you have when you get back from it are complains, air sick, sea sick, car sick, more debts, is it really worth it? 

Besides, all of the things mentioned above keeps upgrading figuratively and literally so it does not end. You will always find a much better looking and more expensive house. There is always a prettier woman/ good-looking man, our taste changes is what i really mean by that. There is always a high paying job out there. Cars upgrades always. There are always places to go, besides ocean is ocean, a tree is a tree, people are people wherever we go.

To have freedom from worries and miseries are the ways to true happiness. What you feel inside that is registered in your heart and mind right now is what really is important. It is vibrational not situational. You can be in a fine dine restaurant but if you have stomach flu and lost your appetite to eat what is it good for? Sometimes it's the simplest that are really the sweetest. Of course I am a member of this society, and I would be lying to myself and to you if I say let's not aspire for these wonderful things. I am just expressing my thoughts about the things we think will make us happy has a maintenance and problems to be solved that are attached to it.

That's why the question ARE YOU HAPPY? Is quite a tricky one for me. If our happiness is based on situations it comes and goes. It is difficult to answer it YES or NO with a sincere heart. I always thought about it. Rather we should ask ; ARE YOU AT PEACE WITH WHERE YOU ARE? This one is more likely to be answered honestly. Maybe contentment and appreciation with what we have right at this moment is what we are really looking for. Just a thought. :)

DarkKnight (R.F.)


  1. You're raising valid points, something that requires an individual (you) to sit down and meditate about it. The only thing is most of us do not have time for this kind of things, we view this as "too serious" even "corny" a waste of energy. We create clever excuses but whatever we do the truth is we cannot escape sooner or later in this lifetime you are bound to face the music.

  2. Youre right brother, contentment and appreciation is the key for being happy. keep writing and express your thoughts. thanks for sharing. take care.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to visit and reading it :)

  3. Thank you db for your comment and thank you for visiting my blog. It is best to choose soon than later when it's all too late to make conscious realization or even make adjustments in life..:)

  4. well said! naalala ko tuloy ung isang fave verse ko sa Bible... praktikal sya!

    Proverbs 17:1
    "Better to eat a dry crust of bread with peace of mind than have a banquet in a house full of trouble"

    Nice dba? hehe! =)

  5. Great blog you have DarkKnight. Reading your blog has brought so much realization. People have struggled so much for things that we thought would make us more happier, only to find out that we crave for more and still unhappy. We will forever live in a world wherein there is a constant chaos for a never ending WANTS that we thought were a much needed tool to survive. We have allowed ourselves to just go with the flow, hoping that along the way we would find fulfillment. Time for us to take charge of our lives and may we have the courage to reconsider our personal priorities in such a way that we can recieve true happiness. Bottom line: create our lives as simple as we can and strive to align our actions with the things that brings us JOY.

    1. Thank you very much Ivanabreanna. I totally agree with you it's about our alignment to whatever it is that will bring us joy and peace.
