Thursday, February 23, 2012

Have you decided on the things you are giving up for Lent? (Sacrifice for the Lent)
Every year I think of something that I can give up for Lent to commemorate the sufferings of Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins. Also to remind myself that I should be more attach to Him than the worldly things. I should do it more for myself than seek recognition of doing it and be much-admired by the people around me for doing it. In fact it is to humble my self to the one who has given up his life in following the will of his Father. Which I should be doing more often for a more refined character and attitude.

I always think of it as something that I can get more than losing. Yes I may be restraining myself to the things that I chose to give up for the season. But in time it will help me understand to go back to the basics of life. Why? You may I ask. Because I have found out that without the basics I am more unstable in my thinking and the way I see things. It is almost like the anchor to a big ship. Though it is a big ship it cannot stay on one spot. The tide can carry it afloat in a different direction or hit other ships around or lose its altitude when the captain is not aware. It helps me put my self in the right perspective.

Usually the things that are easy, (looking back now) are the things that I give up in preparation for the Easter. Which I realized in previous recent years that the whole purpose of Easter is to renew our heart and mind. If that is so, then I should be giving up the things that really cost. There is no point in giving up the things that I should be giving up anyways. Although it is a great start. I can feel that restricting myself to tangible things for lent is getting easier and easier or is it because I choose the easy ones. I always find it hard to deal with the things that cannot be seen by the naked eye such as being judgmental, lies, lustful thoughts, being suspicious, anger, anxiety, etc. It would be a great challenge for me not to do those for forty days. But I will strive to maintain it, hopefully.

As for me for this lenten season I have agreed to give up the things I know I am struggling with. I have elected to keep it private between me and God. I like this tradition a lot it helps us to be more centered in my opinion. So whether you are giving up small things for now or you have gotten to the stage of giving up bigger things in your own definition. Some may do it in giving to others in honor of the season. Great job in doing that for Lent! May you find the maturity that you are looking for in doing those. :)

Dark Knight (R.F.)

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